Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Linda Barry †Case Study Essay
Linda Barry, a single mother with 3 children, was hired as an order-entry clerk for a trucking firm. Her first 2 weeks on the job were spent in a special class from 8am-4pm, where she learned how to sort, code and enter the orders on the computer, as instructor with her constantly at first, and then less frequently as she gained knowledge, skills and confidence. Linda was happy to have the job and enjoyed her work schedule. When the training was completed, she was told to report to the order entry department the following Monday. When she was first employed, either Linda failed to read and understand the printed information about her regular work schedule or perhaps the recruiter forgot to tell her that she was to fill a spot in a special shift that worked from 4am till noon. In any case, Linda failed to report to work on the early schedule on the first day of regular work. When she did arrive at 8am, her supervisor criticized her for lack of responsibility. Barry responded by saying that she could not work at the early shift because she had to prepare her children for school, and she threatened to resign if she could not work on the later shift because of a heavy work load and a difficult labor market, the supervisor needed Linda to do the job yet no room for her in the 8am-4pm shift. QUESTIONS: 1. Analyze the communication blockages in this case. Discuss what ideas of communication, listening, realistic job previews, feedbacks and interference it has. 2. Explain how you would handle the employment situation at the end of the case. What ideas could be applied to help solve the problem?
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Is a College Education Necessary to Succeed in Life Essay
Education is the key that opens the door to all life has to offer. The benefits of a good education, enhanced vision, increased motivation, and improved performance is crucial to being successful in life. Success belongs to those who acquire a good education. Enhanced vision Getting a good education can help you gain a better view of what you are capable of doing. Education gives a person an enhanced sense of personal control (Schieman and Plickert, 2008). Sound theoretical and empirical research has established that educational attainment is the critical first step in improving communication skills, improving relationship skills and improving your life (Schieman and Plickert, 2008). The most important thing to remember about education is education is the most important element that can help you increase your personal control in life. Increased motivation Acquiring a good education can also help you improve your station in life. Abraham Maslow believed that what motivates people is a hierarchy of needs beginning at the most basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing and ending in self actualization (Wilson and Madsen, 2008). Maslow believed individuals have the ability through education to become whatever they want to become because the individual has an ability to learn (Wilson and Madsen, 2008). Through using this ability to learn and acquiring education you can find success and you can find the power to change your life. Increased performance Improving your education will improve your chance for success. Getting a good education has a tendency to make you feel good about yourself. When you begin to feel good your life takes on a new meaning and you are able to cast off the garments of a meaningless life and put on the garments of a meaningful life (The humanist, 1992). This change is accomplished through the renewal of your dreams. When you start dreaming again you will begin to learn through structured programs of learning, from friends and family, from daily experiences, and from self reflection (Teare, 1997). Learning will become a fun thing to do. Finally, education equips you with the critical career and life skills that lead to a successful life (Hays, 2008). When you learn through education to listen, have empathy, start caring about life, become persuasive, become aware of the world in which you live, develop foresight or vision, start seeing the big picture, become committed to your growth as a person, become concerned about doing the right thing, and realize that you are a small part of a greater whole (Hays, 2008) then you will be well on your way to being successful in life and will have proved that people really do need education to succeed.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Congress and The Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Congress and The Presidency - Essay Example While the House and the Senate enjoy equal status in most matters, there are some special powers granted to one chamber only. Here, it is interresting to note that for matters pertaining to the confirmation of presidential nominations to high-level executive and judicial positions, and for the ratification of treaties, there is a requirement for the Senate's advice and consent. On the other hand, it is important for bills in lieu of raising revenue to originate in the House of Representatives, apart from any proceedings that have to do with the process of impeachment. Before proceeding, it is important to point out that from 1952 to 1994, there was a lull in the any activity from the Republican side where the Congress was concerned. But after the Republicans made a sweep with the 1994 mid term elections by capturing a whooping 54 seats in the House of Representatives and eight seats in the Senate , the Congressional corridors were dominated basically by the Republicans who have made various changes in the Congress for the last twelve years before the Democrats took over. In this regard, the first aspect we will study in this paper is that of policy making as regards the power of the institutional heads in the Republican quarters. Here, the Republicans are vastly different from their Democrat counterparts in the sense that the typical Republican is a staunch believer of the fact that law making is an activity that occurs strictly in the legislative and judicial province where the judges are the end all and be all as far as law making and asserting the same is concerned. This began to show in the Congress with a strict segregation of law and policy making practices followed by the Senate and the House. With the adevnt of the Republican, both wings now had seperatist attitudes towards the activities and tasks that were to be carried out by them.This was a major change launched by the Republican majoirty. With further Republican contact, there were changes that took place where the power of campiagn contributors were concerned as well. With different groups having their own varied interests, it was seen that the pattern of campaign contributors changed to open invitations for all kinds of people instead of being restricted to the most righteous as it was in the Democratic past. Fruther, if one is take a closer look at the policy making process as far as ignoring the national interest to pay more attention to the character of local interest was concerned, it will be clearly seen that the Iraq war was one such instance where the natinal interest was hardly paid heed to. In the name of "democracy", the Bush government went all out to satisfy the instigations of a personal set of Republican lobbyists. If instead of the theoretical pretense of "democracy" (as in "exporting democracy to Iraq"), one were to closely examine the actually existing practice of "democracy," it would have been more accurate to say that what we have today is oligarchical rule by and large for a plutocracy -- so-called "conservatism" in theory (small government, fiscal conservatism, isolationist foreign policy) boils down in practice to no-holds-barred greed - pursued where possible in an authoritarian manner. As far as influencing
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Chose one argument and write about it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chose one argument and write about it - Essay Example The second premise is that leaders are irrevocably oppressive since even when they make mistakes in judgment that would be seen to have the opposite effect of advantaging the weak; they are not technically leaders since as a craftsman a leader is infallible therefore when they err they are not actually leaders. He therefore contends that as the case is in all cities, it is considered just to obey the rules, retrospectively made by the strong to be followed by the weak and this is ultimately advantageous to the law’s authors. It is at this point that most proponents’ arguments will depart and the focus of this essay will be to critically consider their arguments cross-referencing them against Thrasymuchs initial argument and use objections to them to prove it was erroneous. First Proponent’s Arguments; Leaders Universally Make Oppressive Rules On the surface, proponents may postulate 2 arguments, in defense of the first premise by Thrasymuchs, (a) they will claim that leaders in society are in charge of making rules and as such they will be likely to use their power to make only rules that benefit them and this will translate into oppressing the weak for their own sakes (b). The happiest and most successful people in society are the strong and often the leaders; they achieve their happiness and status through unjust means. Before undertaking to criticize them, one should first examine the deeper issues that arise from these perspective; they will argue that since the strong create rules. It translates automatically that they are make rules that best serve their interests; they can punish those who deviate from their laws and by means of laws reprocess or redistribute property in the name of justice. Based on this, they will claim that since Thrasymuchs believed only a fool would use power to their own disadvantage, the existence of justice in a society was inseparable from the exploitation of the weak by the strong (Barney). A second premise on which support for the initial claim is based is the fact that in most cities, the happiest and the strongest are often unjust. Therefore, for one to be strong in any community they have to take advantage of others and according to Thrasymuchs, the unjust are always happier and more powerful than the just. As such for the strong to be strong, it is because they followed an unjust route and they needs must remain unfair to the weak by using justice to exploit them and therefore safeguard and maintain their unjustly acquired positions of power. Objection to First Proponent’s Argument If these arguments were indeed true, then it would be unequivocal validation for the argument made by Thrasymuchs since they are quite significant and reasonable. However if one departs from an appreciative and assumes a critical point of view, these arguments will not stand under logical scrutiny. For one, the underlying assumption here is that the â€Å"strong†are interchangeable with leaders, however, this is not always the case since in society, the strong, which in this case we assume depicts the wealthy and influential do not always have positions of power. While this argument may work in a dictatorship, in a democratic states leaders are elected by the common majority and their remaining in power is often determined by how much they sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the weak (Read
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Cybersecuirty Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cybersecuirty - Coursework Example ese poor countries engage in any business to ensure their survival and that of their families, for example, the traffic or sell fake or pirated materials to get money. Also, there are little or no laws opposing piracy of materials or their laws are weak. Moreover, American laws cannot be enforced outside America. All these factors make software piracy levels elevated outside America. In my view, the first part of the response is biased. In disputing the SIMTRAY’s justification of hacking on the basis of intent, it shows you do not consider both sides of the hacking issue. The hacker may be engaging in hacking as a means of meeting his daily needs. This shows, even if, the action is wrong on one part, on the other; it is a way of survival. The responses also show you have a hard time understanding how hacking relates to GDP, income ratio and collectivist nature. In addition, the reactions indicate despite going through the simulation twice, you still do not understand the remailer
Friday, July 26, 2019
Case Study Signature Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Case Study Signature Piece - Essay Example The client is of Spanish Caribbean ethnicity and a son of two immigrants who entered the United States of America during their culture (Feltham, 2008). The attitude towards homosexual has differed over time and varies considerably depending on the culture that the person is affiliated to. In the American culture, however, the society is coming to terms with the homosexuality with laws set to protect them as a minority. Felix has found it a challenge to reveal that he is gay to both the parents and the employer for fear of stigmatization. This stigmatization is among the experiences that various gay people are going through in their search for identity. Felix childhood upbringing was also challenging. His parents divorced when he was still young and was forced to spend part of his life with a stepfather and later his grandmother. Various cultures have their principles regarding inappropriate and appropriate sexuality. Some people in the society have continued to disapprove same-sex marriage with other people supporting the practice. As with homosexuality behavior, various sets of prescription and prescription may be offered to indi viduals based on their social status, age, gender and social classes (Glockshuber, 2010). Research on counseling psychology has focused on issues that make therapy more effective have consistently indicated that therapeutic alliance and client characteristic are the essential factors in the successful treatment of psychological illness. Felix has a mental illness that is characterized by the problems of panic attacks and anxiety for a two-year duration. The symptoms are however increasing. The symptoms are associated with increased dizziness and lightheadedness, chest pain and discomfort, increased palpitation as well as shallow, rapid breathing with the client failing to get enough air during such a period. The problems do not affect the work that is doing even though it seems to have an effect towards
Film Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Film Review - Essay Example Day for Night, the title, speaks for itself. The soundtrack of the movie is by Georges Delerue which ornate the filmmaking art (IMDb, 1973). The plot of the movie revolves around Je Vous Presente Pamela (melodrama) and Jeanâ€â€Pierre Aumont who portrays Alexandre, young heart-throb Alphonse (Jean-Pierre Leaud), Julie Baker (Jacquine Bisset, an actress from Britain) and Severine (Valentina Cortese). Julie Baker is voming back from a nervous collapse and also an argument directing to her matrimony with an elderly doctor. In the middle are various small monographs reporting the stories of director and members of crew and also of Trauffaut himself in the role of Ferrand, behind camera, all actors and crews go through various affairs, romances, split-ups, and its aftermaths. The production gets traumatized when fiancee of Alphonse leaves him for stuntman of the movie which further leads to one night sleep with Julie. It all happens when Alexandre dies in a car accident and one of the secondary characters is found to be pregnant. The characters all appear cliche and kind of imaginary in Francois Truffaut's comedy-drama and fun production in a witty hall of mirrors. The most eminent actor in real life, Jean-Pierre Leaud seems to be playing with an immature costar, Jacqueline Bisset. The balance is dysfunctional. However, Truffaut manages to keep the audience captivated by the technical means and stylistic efforts of Truffaut. The cast overall is good as actors are sometimes playing role of fictional thespians or crew members. The time period is effective. It is an interesting movie which stars Truffaut playing director who is shooting a movie. He himself is the most convincing and modest actor, while intertwining a story about how movies are actually made and how penetrating the emotional interactions between people making the movie can be. The camera angels are perfect. Movie starts a bit of amateurish but as one hangs on to it, it becomes interesting. It is a lo w tech film however. Truffaut gives us an insight into how the crew of production works, sometimes at odds while showing things which can go erroneous at the set. Movie starts with technical complexities of the production but after some time is focused on movie makers personalities and individual tales of each one of them. The audience basically is film making students or students from media background. But, it appeals to people from all facets of life. Each story is meticulously crafted in a lavish way almost like most of the characters in a soap opera. With it, Truffaut brings together emotional conflict and how this conflict can be utilized to resolve many tales without being over emotional. I don’t like the version of the movie and there are some problems with the cinematography. The dubbed version I saw is kind of disturbing as I am trying to reunite dubbed actor with visualized one. Also, Jacqueline Bisset who is fluent in English is speaking French and somebody else is speaking English for her is a lot to take. Well I would recommend the French version with subtitles. The message Truffaut is trying to give here is what we say on Television or movies is a simplified version of what actually is happening behind the camera. Truffaut is the type of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Marketing Services of Damia Spa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Services of Damia Spa - Assignment Example The health facility embraces the people from this wide and diversified culture all interested in harmony of Singapore (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). Damai symbolizes the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of these various cultures as practiced in Singapore. Numerous services are offered at the Damia Spa. The Spa treatment offers customers services that are beyond their expectations and that they would enjoy. The naturally beautiful and serene environment ensures that the patients enjoy their stay in the Spa. Damai Spa offers treatments that are based on the different healing philosophies (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). This makes the patient get customized treatment and services depending on their traditional beliefs and practices. The traditional Chinese medicine ensures balancing by unblocking the vital energy. The Malay Jamu philosophy heals by the use of herbal and natural well being. Moreover, the European spa therapy energies the body connection while the Indian ayurveda purifies and detoxify the body (Zeithaml & Mary, 1996). When customers attend treatment at Damai Spa, they are guaranteed other supplementary services. These include the provision of a robes and scandals for comfort. Secured lockers will make the patients keep safe their personal belonging even though the management is not responsible for the losses (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). The Spa further prohibits smoking and drinking in the premises to ensure patients enjoy tranquility and peace. In addition, the spa etiquette enables the patients to shower before body checks and Damai Spa has the fitness center that is geared towards wellness enthusiasts while looking for innovative ways that restores balance in the lives and for total rejuvenation. The fitness center includes yoga, bollywood, capoiera and hip hop dance. All these enables the customers to engage in fat burning, strengthening exercise and provides professional advice on nutritional and healthy lifestyle. To supplement the fitness center, recreational facilities like swimming pool, studio, badminton courts, and oasis poolside restaurant are available (Damai Spa Singapore n.d.). The marketing of services requires customization of services and this explains why the wellness center offers attention to each member (Vedulla, 2005). Special fees charged attracts customers and affordable to the members. The technology wellness key is easy to use by the members and stores data that is communicated to the gym equipment. The key can also guide the members through each exercise hence a training strength. In addition, Damai Spa salon services provide a variety of services. These include hair cut, hair color, shine lights, and hair permitting and hair treatment at affordable rates. This wide variety ofi services makes customers have selection choice and therefore enhancing their satisfaction. The services are charged at different rates, which make the spa serve various classes of people. The salons are situated in natural and ser ene environments that ensure comfort and satisfaction. In all the categories of services that are provided, Damai considers the diverse nature of people’s values, customs, and rituals. These diversities are blended in a manner that ensures harmony of the four-wellness philosophies. The Damai couples journey a selection and seasonal fruits served and herbal tea
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Plato - Essay Example o that we gain the knowledge of Socrates, perhaps one of the ancient world’s most famous philosophers but what were the ideas of Socrates and which were the ideas of Plato remains a mystery today. Plato, who was a student of Socrates, pulled together the ideas of his mentor and Pythagoras to combine them with his own response to what he’d seen of the world to develop his Theory of Forms. In this theory, the ultimate goal was to progress through the levels of reality to the highest level, also known as the greatest good. According to Plato, reality is not the world of substance and things that we can see in everyday life, but is something more abstract that can only be obtained through intellectual thought (Strathern, 1996, p. 25). To help explain his Theory of Forms, Plato developed what is today referred to as the Allegory of the Cave. In the dialogue Plato presents, Socrates explains how people have been chained since childhood with their vision restricted to a giant screen in front of them. They can see the shadows of marionettes and other things dancing, but the actual colors and nature of these things cannot be perceived from such a perspective. These are the Forms of Plato’s theory. Not having known anything else, Socrates argues that the humans don’t know there’s something to miss: â€Å"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images†(Plato 388). Because of the pain of the bright light of truth, Socrates also explains that individuals will attempt to reject the truth, the colors and textures of the real Forms, for the more comforting and familiar shadows. Eventually, they come to accept the truth, though, and are sometimes able to help others still trapped in the cave to come out and see the truth. Plato also outlined an elaborate description of utopia in The Republic. Here, he sets forth an example of a just society in which there are no possessions, children removed from their parents soon after
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Essay question about The big switch Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Question about The big switch - Essay Example Even not being a professional, Geoff could develop a programmable world wide computing. It is in this very chapter, that forms the beginning of the second part of the book, Carr encapsulated the concept of cloud computing. The prime feature of cloud computing is that it does not require the typical mainframe computer to store all the data in one single computer. Rather, one can easily share it within the network through host servers. As it has been discussed by Nicholas Carr, cloud computing is generally used as third party product and as the businesses can have professional expertise for all the matters like hosting, servers and domains and also as they can store all of their information over such networks, it definitely helps them in focusing upon their core competencies. The business organizations can forego the huge capital investments for setting up and maintaining own networks. The demerit is that the business firms have to depend upon the external institutions and it might lea d to matters like information theft or failure of the servers. But still there is almost no doubt that the cloud computing has enabled the business organizations to have much better information technology architecture. ‘The Big Switch’ by Nicholas Carr has definitely won the test of time as it proposes and proves one after the other burning issues faced by the business organizations of present day with respect to information technology. In the chapter seven of the book, Carr considers one of the most debated topics of the period i.e. the reduction of employment because of extensive usage of information technology. It is a fact that the computers can do the work of quite a few employees and that too much efficiently. Therefore, Hellmut Schutte rightly thinks that the machines are definitely replacing human workforce. Though the entire matter is unfortunate as old time employees are losing their jobs but the fact is that the multi national corporations of
Monday, July 22, 2019
DoCoMo Essay Example for Free
DoCoMo Essay DoCoMo’s i-mode concept was a fresh air in the almost stagnant telecommunications market of Japan. They were ingenious enough to target the right market base along with exactly the right offerings. First of all, i-mode had the capability to keep its users connected to the internet all the time, everywhere. Apart from this, the internet services were content providers. Even though this somehow did limit the amount of websites a user can visit, the content websites were chosen in such a way as to fulfill the requirements of the target market. This was a unique way of connecting people to the internet and to each other which took everyone by storm. Young teens and adults were the main target market – a market that had a high priority to stay connected with friends and groups but didn’t have the proper means to. The cheapest way of being connected was the internet and the target market mostly didn’t even own PC’s or didn’t have the time or capacity to afford the more mobile versions of a PC (PDA’s, Laptops etc. ). This created a window of opportunity for DoCoMo’s i-mode in the sense that it provided users with a way to connect with each other without the hassle and expenses associated with owning a laptop or a PC. The target market being adults in 1999 had grown up by 2002. Competitors followed and gave i-mode a hard time as well. With the WAP standard becoming faster and cheaper, the new generation, which preferred media content more over simple text based content was switching to providers who were providing higher data speeds and more elaborate options such as video calls, Multi media messaging etc. ence DoCoMo’s main customer base was changing due to the advancement of time and change in preferences. Customers were no more interested in just ‘services’ and ‘fluff’ as i-mode started. They wanted more. Apart from a shifting market, i-mode was also facing other challenges. First of all, the up coming markets usage rate was a lot less than the previous o nes. This meant lesser revenue per user. Secondly, competition was increasing by the day. Even though i-mode was still the leader with 60% market share, firms like KDDI and J-Phone had come up with more exciting packages, better offers and better handsets with market shares at (and growing) 24% and 17% respectively. Policy changes at the national level too were forcing i-mode to make changes that were estranging it form its content providers and resulting in lesser profits due to the new, lesser monthly charges that were to go into effect soon. The marketing techniques used in the past by i-mode were effective in capturing their target market. Keeping in mind the changing market conditions of the present, those techniques will not work as effectively anymore. The new market needs something better. The reason competitors are speeding ahead is because the new services and cell phone models they have to offer. First of all i-mode will need to launch better phones and services that come with things like internet connectivity as standard rather than an exclusive service. Current advancements have ensured that internet connectivity is not an exclusive offer anymore, everyone is providing it. I-mode will have to yet again identify something unique. Marketing techniques again will have to be designed according to that new product offering. Furthermore, marketing techniques should not exclusively just target the youth. The reason being that the market matures too quickly (goes beyond the age bracket of youngsters – adult ages have a bigger cohort) and does not have the spending power that adults have either. Hence the marketing techniques and offering should be tailored to account for these issues as well. I-mode became popular in Japan but it cannot be replicated in other countries due to various reasons. The foremost reason being the paradigms dominant in other countries. Some markets prefer voice calls over text messaging and others prefer text messaging instead. Content providers in other markets do not see i-modes business model as a profitable opportunity either hence it is tough to implement the same structure where there are issues regarding the markets preferences as well as the suppliers. Hence, i-mode will have to tailor their product offering and marketing techniques according to the country they are entering. This is currently an issue that DoCoMo realizes and will hopefully tailor itself accordingly in order to enter new international markets.
Helping Parents and Caregivers Fight Chilhood Obesity Essay Example for Free
Helping Parents and Caregivers Fight Chilhood Obesity Essay Helping Parents and Caregivers in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity Young children acquire their knowledge through direct instruction, modeling, and experiences within their environment (Lanigan, 2010, p. # 369). Children who are obese are known to have lower self-esteem, and a higher risk of becoming drinkers, smokers, and/or socially isolated as they mature. Health concerns such as Cardiovascular Disease; Gall Bladder problems; Hypertension; and Sleep Apnea have all been associated with childhood obesity (Robinson; Geier; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). Teaching portion control, implementing a healthy balanced diet, and adding in daily physical activities can help parents and caregivers in the fight against childhood obesity. Portion control is something that has to be developed from within a person. By introducing and practicing the use of healthy eating habits early in life, parents and caregivers are increasing the opportunities for a child to learn behaviors that can help them to develop a healthy life style. This type of life style can in turn increase the child’s chances of reversing or even preventing obesity. Teaching children to recognize what it feels like in their bodies when they are hungry or what could be called their hunger signals, while encouraging them to eat their food more slowly, and persuading them to stop eating when they feel they have had enough, even though they may still have food left over, are all ways of promoting healthy eating habits in children. The practice and observation of these skills will benefit children in their journey to a healthy life. Creating a healthy balanced diet can be a challenge for families. The convenience of the fast food industry has increased the challenge for families. Most families have parents or caregivers who work long hours and have little down time, causing them to â€Å"grab†dinner verses preparing it as was once the norm. In a balanced diet, the recommendation of carbohydrates is 45% to 50% of the total daily calories, while fat intake is at 30% to 35% (Philippas; Lo, 2005). Focusing on the right fats and carbs are of extreme importance. Making choices with fruits, vegetables, legumes, and healthier poly- and monounsaturated fats, verses saturated fats and refined carbohydrates like white bread, refined sugar, soft drinks, cakes and candies, can dramatically assist in the battle against childhood obesity. While portion control and a healthy balanced diet are essential in the fight against childhood obesity, the benefits of physical activity should not be ignored. Exercise is a key component in the treatment and prevention of obesity in children (Robinson; Geier; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). Exercise will assist in weight loss as well as improve metabolic risk factors such as hypertension, and has been known to have led to the lowering of blood pressure, along with reducing in depression, anxiety, and improvement of self-esteem (Robinson; Geier; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). The obesity epidemic is being blamed for the rise in serious diseases and disorders (Robinson; Geier; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). With this information of the multiple health concerns that have been associated with childhood obesity, parents and caregivers must be armed with education and resources to fight against this disease. Teaching portion control, implementing a healthy balanced diet, and adding in daily physical activities can help parents and caregivers in the fight against the disease known as childhood obesity.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Application of Thermal Insulation
Application of Thermal Insulation 1.2 Problem Statement Energy saving in buildings has become a question of crucial importance in many countries. At the same time, the requirements for satisfactory indoor climate with low electricity consumption have increased which prompt the supply and demand for energy efficient homes. The battle against global warming shall start from home insulation to reduce green house gas emission. In developed countries, government has even allowed tax credit to house owners for costs incurred in carrying out home insulation works which meets the urgent need in the fight against global warming. In Malaysia, the common answer from the public in general to make a house or office cool is probably by switching on the air conditioning. The roof of most houses is constructed using timber roof trusses and concrete roof tiles in Malaysia. The heat gained through the roof which convents through the ceiling has increased the indoor heat to a level that most house owners will not feel comfortable without the use of air cond itioners. The impact that roofs have on energy is often overlooked, the impact of which can be significant. In homes, air conditioners make up 23% of energy consumption. Alternatively we can achieve the dream cool and comfort living or working environment despite in a very hot sunny day with the help of install the thermal insulation then will reduce the dependence on air conditioners to cool the home or office. This means insulating a home could potentially save thousands of ringgit in electricity bills. Install the thermal insulation in the wall or roof will increasing the cost of the building but the price tag on insulation is considered small when compared with the benefits including monthly savings in electricity bills throughout the lifespan of the house, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved comfort and living standards and a huge contribution to the local economic growth, as the insulation material is manufactured locally. 1.3 Aim The researchers aim for conducting this research is to review the uses and identify the importance of thermal insulation. Besides that, to find out whether application of thermal insulation to the buildings is suitable to be adopted into construction industry in Malaysia. 1.4 Objectives To review the concepts and uses of thermal insulation. To assess the importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia. To investigate the applicability of thermal insulation amongst the buildings in Malaysia. 1.5 Hypothesis Application of thermal insulation into the buildings would increase the energy saving in buildings and decrease in emission to environmental. 1.6 Background Governments all over the world are beginning to realize the importance of reducing dependence on energy imports as fuel reserves becomes scarcer and supplies are concentrated on a few politically unstable countries. The building sector is probably the most effective and easiest way to start reducing energy consumption. Reduction in energy demand can be most effective due to applying thermal insulation to the buildings. Thermal insulation is the method of preventing heat from escaping a container or from entering the container. In other words, thermal insulation can keep an enclosed area such as a building warm, or it can keep the inside of a container cold. Depending on the climate, we spend more or less energy on heating or cooling, but we will spend more energy on cooling the room by switch on the air conditioning in Malaysia. There have a main reason for using thermal insulation for reduction of heat coming in, without too much loss of light due to the hot climate in Malaysia. So, the demand of energy can be significantly reduced by install a thermal insulation into the wall or roof of those buildings. Thermal insulation has been introduced to reduce the demand of energy result in electric consumption costs up to 40% and the countrys energy resources. This allows savings on the cost of the air-conditioning, because a smaller unit is needed, and on the running cost of the air conditioning. It also indeed creates a more comfortable living and working atmosphere. Besides that, most of the people will switch on the air conditioning to keep the comfort in the room or working place in Malaysia. But, the air conditioners will release a haloalkanes which are a group of chemical compounds, consisting of chlorine, fluorine and carbon, called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). The CFC will among the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that contribute to future global warming. So, apply thermal insulation to the buildings will reduce using the air conditioning naturally will reduce the emission to the environmental also. 1.7 Scope of Study The research project has provided the idea and functions of thermal insulation to the buildings make a preliminary of understanding to it. Besides that, the advantages or importances that apply the thermal insulation to the buildings in Malaysia also fall within the scopes of this research project. In this study, I have studied into few buildings in Malaysia which have installed the thermal insulation such as Pusat Tenaga Malaysia Zero Energy Office (ZEO) building at Bandar Baru Bangi and Low Energy Office (LEO) Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications Malaysia at Putrajaya. Based on these buildings, I will study the benefits that obtain from the buildings which have applied thermal insulation to the wall and roof in this research project. In addition, I will inquire into the applicability of thermal insulation in the buildings in Malaysia. 1.8 Research Methodology For the primary source, questionnaires were prepared as a ground for the main survey which relates to the reason of construction firms attempt to apply thermal insulation to the buildings in Malaysia. The questionnaires were then distributed to the construction firms which are be responsible for ‘Pusat Tenaga Malaysia Zero Energy Office (ZEO) building project and ‘Low Energy Office (LEO) Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications Malaysia through e-mail. For this purpose of survey, mailing list was obtained for website which has listing the name, address and the title of principal officer for each firm listed. That company was chosen and sent a set of questionnaire while those company which have not related into the projects will be randomly chosen for obtain the opinion on the applicability of apply thermal insulation in the buildings in Malaysia. For secondary sources, a comprehensive review of the relevant literature including a computer assisted search, textbook, journals, articles and so on, will be taken to develop an understanding of concept and uses of thermal insulation. Besides that, the importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia also will be assessed by computer assisted search. 1.9 Proposed structure of the dissertation Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Review concept and uses of thermal insulation. 2.2 Review importance to apply thermal insulation into a building. 2.3 Investigation of applicability of thermal insulation into the buildings in Malaysia. Chapter 3: Research design and methodology. Chapter 4: Analysis of the result and discussion. Chapter 5: Conclusion. References. 1.10 – References Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Lack Of Insulation In Malaysian Buildings Key Cause Of High Energy Bills. Viewed on: December 23, 2009. Available on: www.HYPERLINK Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Save Energy Fight Global Warming. Viewed on: December 23, 2009. Available on: Allergy.J, February 19, 1999. ChlorofluorocarbonHYPERLINK HYPERLINK Hhydrofluoroalkane formulations. Viewed on: December 24, 2009. Available on: Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Why Insulate?. Viewed on: December 25, 2009. Available on: 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Review the concepts and uses of thermal insulation 2.1.1 – Concept of thermal insulation Thermal insulation has been defined as a material or combination of materials which slow down the flow of heat, reduce some sound transmission or slow down the spread of fire when buildings are in fire.(Anish, 2003) The thermal insulation materials can be suited to any size, shape or surface and the variety of finishes to be used in order to protect the thermal insulation from mechanical and environmental damage as well as to enhance appearance of buildings.(Anish, 2003) Thermal insulation can be mentioned either to materials used to lower the rate of heat transfer, or the means and processes used to lower heat transfer. Thermal insulation will transfer heat energy and the hHYPERLINK energy would be transferred by three methods, which are convection, conduction and radiation. Convection When the heat is flow whether by forced or natural, within a fluid and the fluid is a substance that may be either a gas or a liquid, this process is called convection.(Zhang, et al. 2005) Convection will then gravitationally-induced heat transport, driven by the expansion of a fluid on heating then hot expanded fluid has lower density, so will rise to the top of colder, and therefore denser, fluid.(Fowler, 2008) For example, when air to be heated, then it will expands and rise. However, if the air movement is established mechanically by a floor register, fan, or wind, then it will be called as a forced convection. Conduction Conduction is direct heat flow or conducted from a material especially a solid.(Zhang, et al. 2005) When different parts of an isolated solid are at different temperatures, the heat will flow from the hot places to the cold places until eventually all is at the same temperature.(Fowler, 2008) Conduction and convection have same uses which are functions of the roughness of surfaces, air movement and the temperature difference between the air and surface. The increasing of heat energy can flow through materials and from one material to another.(Kurtus, 2006) Radiation Radiation is the transmission of energy through space by means of electromagnetic waves.(Zhang, et al. 2005) This is clearly in the way the sun warms the surface of the earth, which involves the heat transfer through electromagnetic waves and absorption of the heat energy by a surface. Heat from the sun is reaches human skin as radiation, much of it can clearly be seen or evident light, the rest similar electromagnetic waves but at wavelengths human eyes are not sensitive to it. All bodies not at sheer zero temperature radiate, at room temperature the radiation is in the infrared, wavelengths longer than those of the visible spectrum. (Fowler, 2008) Source: isover Then, the types of thermal insulation are indicates the composition and internal structure of a building and the types of thermal insulation are normally been subdivided into three groups, which are fibrous insulation, cellular insulation and granular insulation.(Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Fibrous Insulation Fibrous insulation is composing of air finely divided into interstices by small diameter fibers. The fibers may be parallel or perpendicular to the surface being insulated and they may separate or bonded together. That is usually chemically or mechanically bonded and formed into boards, blanket or hollow cylinders. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Cellular Insulation Cellular insulation is composed of air or some other gas contained within foam of stable small bubbles and formed into boards, blankets, or hollow cylinders. The cellular material may be glass or foamed plastic such as polystyrene, polyurethane and elastomeric. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Granular Insulation Granular insulation is composed of air or some other gas in the interstices between small granules and formed into blocks, boards, or hollow cylinders. This type may be produce as loose pourable material or combined with a binder and fibers to make a rigid insulation. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Furthermore, thermal insulation is available in a variety of forms and it is usually rated in terms of thermal resistance which is R-value, which indicates the resistance of material to heat flow. The higher its resistance is, the greater the insulating effectiveness is. Of course, the thermal insulation property depends on the type of material, its thickness, and its density. The combined form and type of insulation will determine the proper method of insulation. There are many forms of thermal insulation are designed to deliver a sustained level of thermal resistance, such as Traditional Batt Insulation or Alternatives, Blown-In Cellulose Insulation, Rigid Board Insulation, Spray Foam Insulation and SIPs/ICFs. Traditional Batt Insulation or Alternatives Batt or Blanket Insulation is the most common and least effective insulation used in the states nowadays. It has an approximate rating of R-3 per inch. Technically the R rating is even lower because typical batts are so loose that they allow air to penetrate them and cool them down. It is possible to use batts effectively in energy efficient buildings but the installation is labor intensive. One slightly greener alternative to batts would be to use batts or rolls made of natural fibers such as Bonded Logics insulation made from recycled denim jeans.[8] These types of insulation typically have a slightly higher R rating and do not harm the indoor air quality since they are made of natural materials. The trade off is that they are pricey and still do not effectively seal air gaps without extra labor and supervision. (Ludeman, 2008) Blown-In Cellulose Insulation Loose-Fill Insulation is an option that can be economic friendly because the Cellulose is a type of blown-in or loose-fill insulation that is made from recycled newspapers. There pros and cons but the bottom line is that it will not provide much better R- value than batt insulation and typically it will cost more to have installed. The best applications seem to be for attics that are not well insulated because cellulose can be quickly and efficiently blow over an attic floor to dramatically and safely increase the insulation between the home and the hot attic space. (Ludeman, 2008) Rigid Board Insulation Rigid Board Insulation can contain some of the highest R-values with some Polyurethane sheets reaching R-8 per inch. Since the insulation comes in the form of rigid boards it is popular as roof and wall coverings attached to the exterior of the framing of a new building. Attaching to the exterior of the framing will improve the strength of the structure while also creating an insulated break or thermal barrier between the wood studs and the exterior sheathing or siding. This can greatly reduce the heat loss transferred from the inside of the building though the wood studs and to the exterior. There are also green versions of rigid board that are normally classified as polystyrene rigid insulation. This type may contain some recycled materials and will not off-gas like some of the other sheet products might. Besides that, rigid board insulation is also can find boards that are laminated or strengthened to act as both the buildings sheathing and insulation. Since sheathing of some type is necessary, this does not eliminate a step but can greatly improve the building envelope without additional labor. (Ludeman, 2008) Spray Foam Insulation Spray-Foam Insulation is probably the most effective type of insulation for traditional, stick-framed buildings available nowadays. The product is in the form of a liquid that is sprayed on and quickly expands to 100 times its size. It can achieve R-values of R-9 per inch but most importantly, it automatically creates an almost perfect air seal upon expanding. While the product is costly, it is effective and reduces a lot of manual caulking and sealing that would be necessary with other types of insulations. The most popular forms are petroleum based but there are also green options such as BioBased Insulation that is composed of 96% bio-content (soy-beans). (Ludeman, 2008) Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPs) / ICFs Structurally Insulated Panels are arguably the best way to achieve a tightly sealed and well insulated building. They are basically two sheets of OSB with spray foam insulation sandwiched between them. They are both structural as well as insulating so they eliminate the need for traditional framing and can streamline the construction of a building is assembled properly. All seams are sealed and there is no thermal bridge from studs. The only downfall is many contractors are unfamiliar with them and they can be quite pricey. Many of the green builders are using Structurally Insulated Panels because there are vehemently opposed to stick building as they view it an obsolete building practice. (Ludeman, 2008) Therefore, apply the thermal insulation for buildings will prevents or reduces heat from escaping a building or from entering a building. Thermal insulation can keep an enclosed area such as a building or a room warm for the cold climate countries like United Kingdom, Poland, New Zealand and so on; or it can keep the inside of a building or a room cold for the tropical climate countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and so on. So, the thermal insulators are applied and functions to minimize that heat energy transfer from the buildings. In thermal insulation, the R-value is an indication of how well for a material insulates for the buildings. R-value The R-value is the total thermal resistance (RT) for any building elements, including the surface thermal resistances of the air on either side of the building elements. The conductivity of bulk insulation materials will change with the temperature of the material. (Williamson, 2007) It is significant to realize that the boundary conditions and other factors used in the calculation of the R-values, which will cause the R-value different. The total thermal resistance of a flat for building element consisting of layers perpendicular to the heat flow is calculated using the expression: RT = Rsi + R1 + R2 + . . . . . + Rn + Rse Rsi is the internal surface resistance; R1, R2, .Rn are the thermal resistances of each layer, including bridged layers; Rse is the external surface resistance [Source: Dr Terry Williamson (2007)] An air space for the thermal resistance within a building element is depends on the valid emissivity of the space as well as the mean temperature and the difference in temperatures either side of the space.(Williamson, 2007) It follows therefore that the calculation of the R-value of a building element containing air spaces depends on the conditions assumed externally and internally.(Williamson, 2007) Thus, the flow of heat can be reduced by applying thermal insulation materials to the buildings and The rate of heat transfer is dependent on the physical properties of the material employed to do this. Insulation for the home has R-values usually in the range of R-10 up to R-30. The following is a listing of different materials with the English measurement of R-value: Material R-value Hardwood siding (1 in. thick) 0.91 Wood shingles (lapped) 0.87 Brick (4 in. thick) 4.00 Concrete block (filled cores) 1.93 Fiberglass batting (3.5 in. thick) 10.90 Fiberglass batting (6 in. thick) 18.80 Fiberglass board (1 in. thick) 4.35 Cellulose fiber (1 in. thick) 3.70 Flat glass (0.125 in thick) 0.89 Insulating glass (0.25 in space) 1.54 Air space (3.5 in. thick) 1.01 Free stagnant air layer 0.17 Drywall (0.5 in. thick) 0.45 Sheathing (0.5 in. thick) 1.32 [Source: Hyperphysics Georgia State University] Another mathematical expression used in thermal quantification, and the most common reference used by the insulation industry, is U-value, or flow rate of heat through a building elements. U-value U-value is to be used for describe the amount of heat loss or also called as thermal transmittance, that occurs through an element of construction such as a wall or window. (Raynham, 1975) If an element of construction has a lower the U-value the less energy is lost and the better is its insulating characteristics.(Zimmermann Bertschinger, 2001) It has the same unit as thermal conductivity, except that since a U-value refers to a given construction, the thickness of which is taken into account, it has the unit W m-2 K-1. U-value is computed according to the formula: U=(Ri s+ Re s,+Rc a v+k1-l+k2-1+†¦)-l Ri s and, Re s are the thermal resistances of internal and external surfaces respectively; Rc a v is the sum of thermal resistances of any cavities; k1-l+k2-1+†¦ are the thermal resistances of each material used. [Source: Mark Zimmerman Hans Bertschinger (2001)] Since the U-value is a measurement of heat flow, the lower the U-value, the more slowly does the material transfer heat in and out of the home. The U-value typically is used in expressing overall thermal conductance, since it is a measurement of the rate of heat flow through the complete heat barrier, from room air to outside air.(Anderson, 2006) The lower the U-value, the better is the insulating value. The U-value of a constructional element of buildings would decreases rapidly as the first few centimeters of thermal insulation are added.(Rouni, 2005) An even more increase in thermal insulation thickness does not always lead to an equally fast decrease in the U-value. The thicker the thermal insulation layer already is, the less the decrease in the U-value is by more adding thermal insulation.(Rouni, 2005) The following diagram shows the decrease in the U-value as the thickness of the insulation layer increases. [Source: GK Rouni (2005)] Temperature and temperature variations govern much of our daily lives, the environmental factors such as temperature, radiation, air motion, and humidity, as well as on personal factors such as activity levels, clothing selection and expectation, all of those factors are contribute to the state of thermal comfort.(Bynum, 2000) Thermal comfort is a term given the varying nature of the human condition, has been described as a feeling of well-being, an absence of discomfort, or a state of mind that is satisfied with the thermal environment. (McDowall, 2007) 2.1.2 – Uses of thermal insulation The human beings have demonstrated that we are need for the protection from the elements of construction and although many of these factors are continuously in flux, but the proper use of thermal insulation, placement of vapor barriers, and understanding of heat transfer will contribute to providing an environment conducive to thermal comfort within the buildings to the human.(Bynum, 2000) Thermal insulation is the better way to protect anything against the heat because the material use for this is really heat absorbing material. Thermal insulation is to be used to perform many of the functions and the primary purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss or heat gain through the exterior assemblies of a building in order to achieve energy conservation.(Stettler, 2009) Basically thermal insulations reduce the rate of heat transfer because there are special type of thermal insulation material which converts the heat energy to some other form by conduction, convention and radiation as mentioned as foresaid. [Source: exergia] As the drawing shows that the houses lose heat through walls, windows, doors, floors, roofs and ventilation. Thermal insulation, quality double-glazed windows and controlled ventilation can reduce the heat losses by as much as 50%, thus reducing the heating costs in the cold climate.(Weber, 2006) However, an energy efficient home featuring thermal insulation, shading, brightly colored external surfaces and controlled ventilation also greatly enhance the thermal comfort by offering protection from the heat and radiation of the sun. (Weber, 2006) This also helps to drastically reduce the electrical bills that pay to run air conditioners in tropical climate. Besides that, apply thermal insulation for buildings will protect the environment through the reduction of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and greenhouse gases. (Stettler, 2009) The greenhouse effect to a great level decides the climate on earth. Growth in emissions of greenhouse gases related with human activities menaces the climate balance. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the main greenhouse gas which are emitted due to air-conditioners are function to provide cool or hot air and increasing thermal comfort of buildings, there have led to rapid growth in the amount of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the a atmosphere. Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration are the causes that result in this growth. If no action is taken at all, the EU Member States said that greenhouse gas emissions could be expected to further increase by 17% between 1990 and 2010, while the target set by the Kyoto Protocol for the period is to reduce the emissions by 8%. The reasonable level of expenditure on insulation is directly related to the amount of the heat loss or heat gain, and to the electricity of air-conditioning required to produce an appreciable return in terms of electricity saving. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and the associated Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions in heating and air conditioning by one third by using more or better insulation for the buildings.(Roberts, et al. 1981) Furthermore, the thermal insulation also can be used in buildings in order to prevent or reduce condensation on surfaces.(Raynham 1973) If wants to prevent condensation on the surface of walls, it is necessary to have adequate ventilation and sufficient insulation and heat input. It is also necessary to consider the question of whether condensation is likely to occur within a structure. Since most structures experience a falling dew point especially where insulating internal linings are provided, as well as temperature gradient from inside to out, it is possible for the temperature on the cold side of the insulation to fall below the dew point, causing interstitial condensation.(Raynham 1973) This can be controlled by providing water vapour barriers on the warm side of the insulation. This may take the form of polythene film or certain types of paint treatment, such as chlorinated rubber on the insulated lining. In some situations such as factory roofs and some timber flat roofs, ventilation is provided above the insulation to remove any water vapour that has penetrated that far.(Raynham 1973) Thermal insulation also can use to prevent or reduce damage to buildings when occur fire in the buildings or near the buildings.(Raynham 1973) When fire breaks out in a compartment the contents of the whole room are heated up, leading to accumulation of flammable gas. Eventually a point is reached when these gases, together with the materials evolving them, suddenly kindle and thus involve the whole room in fire. Tests done many years ago at the Fire Research Station (Raynham 1973) investigated the factors leading to a short, and therefore dangerous, flashover time. Tests involving fires in domestic sized rooms with insulating board and hardboard wall linings showed that flashover occurred at between 8.5 and 12min. Two further tests made with a noncombustible sprayed insulating lining gave flashover times of 8 and 4.5 min, thus suggesting that the thermal insulating characteristics of a lining are probably more significant from a fire development point of view than its combustibility. If this is true to any extent, significantly improved standards of thermal insulation, such as we are about to adopt in this country, are almost certain to accentuate the fire risk, especially in dwellings. The thermal insulation also can be installed in the mechanical system in commercial buildings and industrial processes.(Avtivity, 2008) In buildings such as shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and hotels, mechanical insulations are installed to improve the energy consumption of the cooling and heating systems for buildings, domestic hot and cold water supply, and refrigerated systems including ducts and housings. However, for industrial facilities such as power plants, refineries, and paper mills, mechanical thermal insulations are installed to control heat gain or heat loss on process piping and equipment, steam and condensate distribution systems, boilers, smoke stacks, bag houses and precipitators, and storage tanks.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation for mechanical system is to dominate the temperatures of the surface for personnel and equipment protection. That is one of the most effective mediums of protecting workers from second and third degree burns resulting from skin contact for more than 5 seconds with surfaces of hot piping and equipment operating at temperatures above 136.4 °F.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation will function to reduces the surface temperature of piping or equipment into a safer level as required by OSHA, resulting in increased worker safety and the avoidance of worker downtime due to injury.(Avtivity, 2008) Besides, thermal insulation also will control the temperature of commercial and industrial processes when installed in the mechanical system.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation can help maintain process temperature to a pre-determined value or within a predetermined range by reducing heat loss or gain. The insulation thickness must be sufficient to limit the heat transfer in a dynamic system or limit the temperature change, with time, in a static system.(Avtivity, 2008) The need to provide time for owners to take remedial action in emergency situations in the event of loss of electrical power, or heat sources is a major reason for this action in a static system. At last but not least, installed the thermal insulation in the mechanical system will reduce noise from mechanical systems.(Avtivity, 2008) Insulation materials can be used in the design of an assembly having a high sound attenuation or sound resistance. The sound transmission loss when the thermal insulation to be installed between the source and the surrounding area.(Avtivity, 2008) So, thermal insulation not only can be used for building but also for the mechanical system in commercial buildings and industrial processes in order to achieve different effects. 2.2 – The importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia 2.2.1 – Advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia Governments all over the world are beginning to recognize the significance of reducing dependence on energy imports as fuel reserves becomes scarcer and supplies are focused on a few politically unstable countries. In the Malaysian context, the ener Application of Thermal Insulation Application of Thermal Insulation 1.2 Problem Statement Energy saving in buildings has become a question of crucial importance in many countries. At the same time, the requirements for satisfactory indoor climate with low electricity consumption have increased which prompt the supply and demand for energy efficient homes. The battle against global warming shall start from home insulation to reduce green house gas emission. In developed countries, government has even allowed tax credit to house owners for costs incurred in carrying out home insulation works which meets the urgent need in the fight against global warming. In Malaysia, the common answer from the public in general to make a house or office cool is probably by switching on the air conditioning. The roof of most houses is constructed using timber roof trusses and concrete roof tiles in Malaysia. The heat gained through the roof which convents through the ceiling has increased the indoor heat to a level that most house owners will not feel comfortable without the use of air cond itioners. The impact that roofs have on energy is often overlooked, the impact of which can be significant. In homes, air conditioners make up 23% of energy consumption. Alternatively we can achieve the dream cool and comfort living or working environment despite in a very hot sunny day with the help of install the thermal insulation then will reduce the dependence on air conditioners to cool the home or office. This means insulating a home could potentially save thousands of ringgit in electricity bills. Install the thermal insulation in the wall or roof will increasing the cost of the building but the price tag on insulation is considered small when compared with the benefits including monthly savings in electricity bills throughout the lifespan of the house, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved comfort and living standards and a huge contribution to the local economic growth, as the insulation material is manufactured locally. 1.3 Aim The researchers aim for conducting this research is to review the uses and identify the importance of thermal insulation. Besides that, to find out whether application of thermal insulation to the buildings is suitable to be adopted into construction industry in Malaysia. 1.4 Objectives To review the concepts and uses of thermal insulation. To assess the importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia. To investigate the applicability of thermal insulation amongst the buildings in Malaysia. 1.5 Hypothesis Application of thermal insulation into the buildings would increase the energy saving in buildings and decrease in emission to environmental. 1.6 Background Governments all over the world are beginning to realize the importance of reducing dependence on energy imports as fuel reserves becomes scarcer and supplies are concentrated on a few politically unstable countries. The building sector is probably the most effective and easiest way to start reducing energy consumption. Reduction in energy demand can be most effective due to applying thermal insulation to the buildings. Thermal insulation is the method of preventing heat from escaping a container or from entering the container. In other words, thermal insulation can keep an enclosed area such as a building warm, or it can keep the inside of a container cold. Depending on the climate, we spend more or less energy on heating or cooling, but we will spend more energy on cooling the room by switch on the air conditioning in Malaysia. There have a main reason for using thermal insulation for reduction of heat coming in, without too much loss of light due to the hot climate in Malaysia. So, the demand of energy can be significantly reduced by install a thermal insulation into the wall or roof of those buildings. Thermal insulation has been introduced to reduce the demand of energy result in electric consumption costs up to 40% and the countrys energy resources. This allows savings on the cost of the air-conditioning, because a smaller unit is needed, and on the running cost of the air conditioning. It also indeed creates a more comfortable living and working atmosphere. Besides that, most of the people will switch on the air conditioning to keep the comfort in the room or working place in Malaysia. But, the air conditioners will release a haloalkanes which are a group of chemical compounds, consisting of chlorine, fluorine and carbon, called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). The CFC will among the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that contribute to future global warming. So, apply thermal insulation to the buildings will reduce using the air conditioning naturally will reduce the emission to the environmental also. 1.7 Scope of Study The research project has provided the idea and functions of thermal insulation to the buildings make a preliminary of understanding to it. Besides that, the advantages or importances that apply the thermal insulation to the buildings in Malaysia also fall within the scopes of this research project. In this study, I have studied into few buildings in Malaysia which have installed the thermal insulation such as Pusat Tenaga Malaysia Zero Energy Office (ZEO) building at Bandar Baru Bangi and Low Energy Office (LEO) Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications Malaysia at Putrajaya. Based on these buildings, I will study the benefits that obtain from the buildings which have applied thermal insulation to the wall and roof in this research project. In addition, I will inquire into the applicability of thermal insulation in the buildings in Malaysia. 1.8 Research Methodology For the primary source, questionnaires were prepared as a ground for the main survey which relates to the reason of construction firms attempt to apply thermal insulation to the buildings in Malaysia. The questionnaires were then distributed to the construction firms which are be responsible for ‘Pusat Tenaga Malaysia Zero Energy Office (ZEO) building project and ‘Low Energy Office (LEO) Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications Malaysia through e-mail. For this purpose of survey, mailing list was obtained for website which has listing the name, address and the title of principal officer for each firm listed. That company was chosen and sent a set of questionnaire while those company which have not related into the projects will be randomly chosen for obtain the opinion on the applicability of apply thermal insulation in the buildings in Malaysia. For secondary sources, a comprehensive review of the relevant literature including a computer assisted search, textbook, journals, articles and so on, will be taken to develop an understanding of concept and uses of thermal insulation. Besides that, the importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia also will be assessed by computer assisted search. 1.9 Proposed structure of the dissertation Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Review concept and uses of thermal insulation. 2.2 Review importance to apply thermal insulation into a building. 2.3 Investigation of applicability of thermal insulation into the buildings in Malaysia. Chapter 3: Research design and methodology. Chapter 4: Analysis of the result and discussion. Chapter 5: Conclusion. References. 1.10 – References Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Lack Of Insulation In Malaysian Buildings Key Cause Of High Energy Bills. Viewed on: December 23, 2009. Available on: www.HYPERLINK Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Save Energy Fight Global Warming. Viewed on: December 23, 2009. Available on: Allergy.J, February 19, 1999. ChlorofluorocarbonHYPERLINK HYPERLINK Hhydrofluoroalkane formulations. Viewed on: December 24, 2009. Available on: Chin Teck, Soh. September 30, 2009. Why Insulate?. Viewed on: December 25, 2009. Available on: 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Review the concepts and uses of thermal insulation 2.1.1 – Concept of thermal insulation Thermal insulation has been defined as a material or combination of materials which slow down the flow of heat, reduce some sound transmission or slow down the spread of fire when buildings are in fire.(Anish, 2003) The thermal insulation materials can be suited to any size, shape or surface and the variety of finishes to be used in order to protect the thermal insulation from mechanical and environmental damage as well as to enhance appearance of buildings.(Anish, 2003) Thermal insulation can be mentioned either to materials used to lower the rate of heat transfer, or the means and processes used to lower heat transfer. Thermal insulation will transfer heat energy and the hHYPERLINK energy would be transferred by three methods, which are convection, conduction and radiation. Convection When the heat is flow whether by forced or natural, within a fluid and the fluid is a substance that may be either a gas or a liquid, this process is called convection.(Zhang, et al. 2005) Convection will then gravitationally-induced heat transport, driven by the expansion of a fluid on heating then hot expanded fluid has lower density, so will rise to the top of colder, and therefore denser, fluid.(Fowler, 2008) For example, when air to be heated, then it will expands and rise. However, if the air movement is established mechanically by a floor register, fan, or wind, then it will be called as a forced convection. Conduction Conduction is direct heat flow or conducted from a material especially a solid.(Zhang, et al. 2005) When different parts of an isolated solid are at different temperatures, the heat will flow from the hot places to the cold places until eventually all is at the same temperature.(Fowler, 2008) Conduction and convection have same uses which are functions of the roughness of surfaces, air movement and the temperature difference between the air and surface. The increasing of heat energy can flow through materials and from one material to another.(Kurtus, 2006) Radiation Radiation is the transmission of energy through space by means of electromagnetic waves.(Zhang, et al. 2005) This is clearly in the way the sun warms the surface of the earth, which involves the heat transfer through electromagnetic waves and absorption of the heat energy by a surface. Heat from the sun is reaches human skin as radiation, much of it can clearly be seen or evident light, the rest similar electromagnetic waves but at wavelengths human eyes are not sensitive to it. All bodies not at sheer zero temperature radiate, at room temperature the radiation is in the infrared, wavelengths longer than those of the visible spectrum. (Fowler, 2008) Source: isover Then, the types of thermal insulation are indicates the composition and internal structure of a building and the types of thermal insulation are normally been subdivided into three groups, which are fibrous insulation, cellular insulation and granular insulation.(Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Fibrous Insulation Fibrous insulation is composing of air finely divided into interstices by small diameter fibers. The fibers may be parallel or perpendicular to the surface being insulated and they may separate or bonded together. That is usually chemically or mechanically bonded and formed into boards, blanket or hollow cylinders. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Cellular Insulation Cellular insulation is composed of air or some other gas contained within foam of stable small bubbles and formed into boards, blankets, or hollow cylinders. The cellular material may be glass or foamed plastic such as polystyrene, polyurethane and elastomeric. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Granular Insulation Granular insulation is composed of air or some other gas in the interstices between small granules and formed into blocks, boards, or hollow cylinders. This type may be produce as loose pourable material or combined with a binder and fibers to make a rigid insulation. (Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman, et al. 1999) Furthermore, thermal insulation is available in a variety of forms and it is usually rated in terms of thermal resistance which is R-value, which indicates the resistance of material to heat flow. The higher its resistance is, the greater the insulating effectiveness is. Of course, the thermal insulation property depends on the type of material, its thickness, and its density. The combined form and type of insulation will determine the proper method of insulation. There are many forms of thermal insulation are designed to deliver a sustained level of thermal resistance, such as Traditional Batt Insulation or Alternatives, Blown-In Cellulose Insulation, Rigid Board Insulation, Spray Foam Insulation and SIPs/ICFs. Traditional Batt Insulation or Alternatives Batt or Blanket Insulation is the most common and least effective insulation used in the states nowadays. It has an approximate rating of R-3 per inch. Technically the R rating is even lower because typical batts are so loose that they allow air to penetrate them and cool them down. It is possible to use batts effectively in energy efficient buildings but the installation is labor intensive. One slightly greener alternative to batts would be to use batts or rolls made of natural fibers such as Bonded Logics insulation made from recycled denim jeans.[8] These types of insulation typically have a slightly higher R rating and do not harm the indoor air quality since they are made of natural materials. The trade off is that they are pricey and still do not effectively seal air gaps without extra labor and supervision. (Ludeman, 2008) Blown-In Cellulose Insulation Loose-Fill Insulation is an option that can be economic friendly because the Cellulose is a type of blown-in or loose-fill insulation that is made from recycled newspapers. There pros and cons but the bottom line is that it will not provide much better R- value than batt insulation and typically it will cost more to have installed. The best applications seem to be for attics that are not well insulated because cellulose can be quickly and efficiently blow over an attic floor to dramatically and safely increase the insulation between the home and the hot attic space. (Ludeman, 2008) Rigid Board Insulation Rigid Board Insulation can contain some of the highest R-values with some Polyurethane sheets reaching R-8 per inch. Since the insulation comes in the form of rigid boards it is popular as roof and wall coverings attached to the exterior of the framing of a new building. Attaching to the exterior of the framing will improve the strength of the structure while also creating an insulated break or thermal barrier between the wood studs and the exterior sheathing or siding. This can greatly reduce the heat loss transferred from the inside of the building though the wood studs and to the exterior. There are also green versions of rigid board that are normally classified as polystyrene rigid insulation. This type may contain some recycled materials and will not off-gas like some of the other sheet products might. Besides that, rigid board insulation is also can find boards that are laminated or strengthened to act as both the buildings sheathing and insulation. Since sheathing of some type is necessary, this does not eliminate a step but can greatly improve the building envelope without additional labor. (Ludeman, 2008) Spray Foam Insulation Spray-Foam Insulation is probably the most effective type of insulation for traditional, stick-framed buildings available nowadays. The product is in the form of a liquid that is sprayed on and quickly expands to 100 times its size. It can achieve R-values of R-9 per inch but most importantly, it automatically creates an almost perfect air seal upon expanding. While the product is costly, it is effective and reduces a lot of manual caulking and sealing that would be necessary with other types of insulations. The most popular forms are petroleum based but there are also green options such as BioBased Insulation that is composed of 96% bio-content (soy-beans). (Ludeman, 2008) Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPs) / ICFs Structurally Insulated Panels are arguably the best way to achieve a tightly sealed and well insulated building. They are basically two sheets of OSB with spray foam insulation sandwiched between them. They are both structural as well as insulating so they eliminate the need for traditional framing and can streamline the construction of a building is assembled properly. All seams are sealed and there is no thermal bridge from studs. The only downfall is many contractors are unfamiliar with them and they can be quite pricey. Many of the green builders are using Structurally Insulated Panels because there are vehemently opposed to stick building as they view it an obsolete building practice. (Ludeman, 2008) Therefore, apply the thermal insulation for buildings will prevents or reduces heat from escaping a building or from entering a building. Thermal insulation can keep an enclosed area such as a building or a room warm for the cold climate countries like United Kingdom, Poland, New Zealand and so on; or it can keep the inside of a building or a room cold for the tropical climate countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and so on. So, the thermal insulators are applied and functions to minimize that heat energy transfer from the buildings. In thermal insulation, the R-value is an indication of how well for a material insulates for the buildings. R-value The R-value is the total thermal resistance (RT) for any building elements, including the surface thermal resistances of the air on either side of the building elements. The conductivity of bulk insulation materials will change with the temperature of the material. (Williamson, 2007) It is significant to realize that the boundary conditions and other factors used in the calculation of the R-values, which will cause the R-value different. The total thermal resistance of a flat for building element consisting of layers perpendicular to the heat flow is calculated using the expression: RT = Rsi + R1 + R2 + . . . . . + Rn + Rse Rsi is the internal surface resistance; R1, R2, .Rn are the thermal resistances of each layer, including bridged layers; Rse is the external surface resistance [Source: Dr Terry Williamson (2007)] An air space for the thermal resistance within a building element is depends on the valid emissivity of the space as well as the mean temperature and the difference in temperatures either side of the space.(Williamson, 2007) It follows therefore that the calculation of the R-value of a building element containing air spaces depends on the conditions assumed externally and internally.(Williamson, 2007) Thus, the flow of heat can be reduced by applying thermal insulation materials to the buildings and The rate of heat transfer is dependent on the physical properties of the material employed to do this. Insulation for the home has R-values usually in the range of R-10 up to R-30. The following is a listing of different materials with the English measurement of R-value: Material R-value Hardwood siding (1 in. thick) 0.91 Wood shingles (lapped) 0.87 Brick (4 in. thick) 4.00 Concrete block (filled cores) 1.93 Fiberglass batting (3.5 in. thick) 10.90 Fiberglass batting (6 in. thick) 18.80 Fiberglass board (1 in. thick) 4.35 Cellulose fiber (1 in. thick) 3.70 Flat glass (0.125 in thick) 0.89 Insulating glass (0.25 in space) 1.54 Air space (3.5 in. thick) 1.01 Free stagnant air layer 0.17 Drywall (0.5 in. thick) 0.45 Sheathing (0.5 in. thick) 1.32 [Source: Hyperphysics Georgia State University] Another mathematical expression used in thermal quantification, and the most common reference used by the insulation industry, is U-value, or flow rate of heat through a building elements. U-value U-value is to be used for describe the amount of heat loss or also called as thermal transmittance, that occurs through an element of construction such as a wall or window. (Raynham, 1975) If an element of construction has a lower the U-value the less energy is lost and the better is its insulating characteristics.(Zimmermann Bertschinger, 2001) It has the same unit as thermal conductivity, except that since a U-value refers to a given construction, the thickness of which is taken into account, it has the unit W m-2 K-1. U-value is computed according to the formula: U=(Ri s+ Re s,+Rc a v+k1-l+k2-1+†¦)-l Ri s and, Re s are the thermal resistances of internal and external surfaces respectively; Rc a v is the sum of thermal resistances of any cavities; k1-l+k2-1+†¦ are the thermal resistances of each material used. [Source: Mark Zimmerman Hans Bertschinger (2001)] Since the U-value is a measurement of heat flow, the lower the U-value, the more slowly does the material transfer heat in and out of the home. The U-value typically is used in expressing overall thermal conductance, since it is a measurement of the rate of heat flow through the complete heat barrier, from room air to outside air.(Anderson, 2006) The lower the U-value, the better is the insulating value. The U-value of a constructional element of buildings would decreases rapidly as the first few centimeters of thermal insulation are added.(Rouni, 2005) An even more increase in thermal insulation thickness does not always lead to an equally fast decrease in the U-value. The thicker the thermal insulation layer already is, the less the decrease in the U-value is by more adding thermal insulation.(Rouni, 2005) The following diagram shows the decrease in the U-value as the thickness of the insulation layer increases. [Source: GK Rouni (2005)] Temperature and temperature variations govern much of our daily lives, the environmental factors such as temperature, radiation, air motion, and humidity, as well as on personal factors such as activity levels, clothing selection and expectation, all of those factors are contribute to the state of thermal comfort.(Bynum, 2000) Thermal comfort is a term given the varying nature of the human condition, has been described as a feeling of well-being, an absence of discomfort, or a state of mind that is satisfied with the thermal environment. (McDowall, 2007) 2.1.2 – Uses of thermal insulation The human beings have demonstrated that we are need for the protection from the elements of construction and although many of these factors are continuously in flux, but the proper use of thermal insulation, placement of vapor barriers, and understanding of heat transfer will contribute to providing an environment conducive to thermal comfort within the buildings to the human.(Bynum, 2000) Thermal insulation is the better way to protect anything against the heat because the material use for this is really heat absorbing material. Thermal insulation is to be used to perform many of the functions and the primary purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss or heat gain through the exterior assemblies of a building in order to achieve energy conservation.(Stettler, 2009) Basically thermal insulations reduce the rate of heat transfer because there are special type of thermal insulation material which converts the heat energy to some other form by conduction, convention and radiation as mentioned as foresaid. [Source: exergia] As the drawing shows that the houses lose heat through walls, windows, doors, floors, roofs and ventilation. Thermal insulation, quality double-glazed windows and controlled ventilation can reduce the heat losses by as much as 50%, thus reducing the heating costs in the cold climate.(Weber, 2006) However, an energy efficient home featuring thermal insulation, shading, brightly colored external surfaces and controlled ventilation also greatly enhance the thermal comfort by offering protection from the heat and radiation of the sun. (Weber, 2006) This also helps to drastically reduce the electrical bills that pay to run air conditioners in tropical climate. Besides that, apply thermal insulation for buildings will protect the environment through the reduction of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and greenhouse gases. (Stettler, 2009) The greenhouse effect to a great level decides the climate on earth. Growth in emissions of greenhouse gases related with human activities menaces the climate balance. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the main greenhouse gas which are emitted due to air-conditioners are function to provide cool or hot air and increasing thermal comfort of buildings, there have led to rapid growth in the amount of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the a atmosphere. Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration are the causes that result in this growth. If no action is taken at all, the EU Member States said that greenhouse gas emissions could be expected to further increase by 17% between 1990 and 2010, while the target set by the Kyoto Protocol for the period is to reduce the emissions by 8%. The reasonable level of expenditure on insulation is directly related to the amount of the heat loss or heat gain, and to the electricity of air-conditioning required to produce an appreciable return in terms of electricity saving. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and the associated Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions in heating and air conditioning by one third by using more or better insulation for the buildings.(Roberts, et al. 1981) Furthermore, the thermal insulation also can be used in buildings in order to prevent or reduce condensation on surfaces.(Raynham 1973) If wants to prevent condensation on the surface of walls, it is necessary to have adequate ventilation and sufficient insulation and heat input. It is also necessary to consider the question of whether condensation is likely to occur within a structure. Since most structures experience a falling dew point especially where insulating internal linings are provided, as well as temperature gradient from inside to out, it is possible for the temperature on the cold side of the insulation to fall below the dew point, causing interstitial condensation.(Raynham 1973) This can be controlled by providing water vapour barriers on the warm side of the insulation. This may take the form of polythene film or certain types of paint treatment, such as chlorinated rubber on the insulated lining. In some situations such as factory roofs and some timber flat roofs, ventilation is provided above the insulation to remove any water vapour that has penetrated that far.(Raynham 1973) Thermal insulation also can use to prevent or reduce damage to buildings when occur fire in the buildings or near the buildings.(Raynham 1973) When fire breaks out in a compartment the contents of the whole room are heated up, leading to accumulation of flammable gas. Eventually a point is reached when these gases, together with the materials evolving them, suddenly kindle and thus involve the whole room in fire. Tests done many years ago at the Fire Research Station (Raynham 1973) investigated the factors leading to a short, and therefore dangerous, flashover time. Tests involving fires in domestic sized rooms with insulating board and hardboard wall linings showed that flashover occurred at between 8.5 and 12min. Two further tests made with a noncombustible sprayed insulating lining gave flashover times of 8 and 4.5 min, thus suggesting that the thermal insulating characteristics of a lining are probably more significant from a fire development point of view than its combustibility. If this is true to any extent, significantly improved standards of thermal insulation, such as we are about to adopt in this country, are almost certain to accentuate the fire risk, especially in dwellings. The thermal insulation also can be installed in the mechanical system in commercial buildings and industrial processes.(Avtivity, 2008) In buildings such as shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and hotels, mechanical insulations are installed to improve the energy consumption of the cooling and heating systems for buildings, domestic hot and cold water supply, and refrigerated systems including ducts and housings. However, for industrial facilities such as power plants, refineries, and paper mills, mechanical thermal insulations are installed to control heat gain or heat loss on process piping and equipment, steam and condensate distribution systems, boilers, smoke stacks, bag houses and precipitators, and storage tanks.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation for mechanical system is to dominate the temperatures of the surface for personnel and equipment protection. That is one of the most effective mediums of protecting workers from second and third degree burns resulting from skin contact for more than 5 seconds with surfaces of hot piping and equipment operating at temperatures above 136.4 °F.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation will function to reduces the surface temperature of piping or equipment into a safer level as required by OSHA, resulting in increased worker safety and the avoidance of worker downtime due to injury.(Avtivity, 2008) Besides, thermal insulation also will control the temperature of commercial and industrial processes when installed in the mechanical system.(Avtivity, 2008) Thermal insulation can help maintain process temperature to a pre-determined value or within a predetermined range by reducing heat loss or gain. The insulation thickness must be sufficient to limit the heat transfer in a dynamic system or limit the temperature change, with time, in a static system.(Avtivity, 2008) The need to provide time for owners to take remedial action in emergency situations in the event of loss of electrical power, or heat sources is a major reason for this action in a static system. At last but not least, installed the thermal insulation in the mechanical system will reduce noise from mechanical systems.(Avtivity, 2008) Insulation materials can be used in the design of an assembly having a high sound attenuation or sound resistance. The sound transmission loss when the thermal insulation to be installed between the source and the surrounding area.(Avtivity, 2008) So, thermal insulation not only can be used for building but also for the mechanical system in commercial buildings and industrial processes in order to achieve different effects. 2.2 – The importance or advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia 2.2.1 – Advantages of thermal insulation in Malaysia Governments all over the world are beginning to recognize the significance of reducing dependence on energy imports as fuel reserves becomes scarcer and supplies are focused on a few politically unstable countries. In the Malaysian context, the ener
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Unsettling Language in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Demon Lover Essay
Unsettling Language in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Demon Lover Elizabeth Bowen retells a popular folk tale in her short story, "The Demon Lover." The title suggests that the plot consists of a woman being confronted by a demon lover from her past. Bowen does not stray far from this original tale. Instead of originality, Bowen's prose relies on the use of subtleties to keep the story interesting. The story's subtleties feed us questions that continually grab our interest. Bowen immediately begins to create a sense of uneasiness in the first paragraph. As Mrs. Drover, the protagonist, walks toward her London house, "an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs. Drover's return" (36). The author's use of the word "queerness" puts the reader on guard for something out of the ordinary. She then follows it by the description of a cat-a mysterious creature-wondering down the street with no regard to any passersby. The phrase "no human eye watched" seems to be overstating the situation. Instead of just saying that nothing was watching Mrs. Drover, the author chose to say that no human was watching her. We are led to question whether the cat was the only non-human watching her or not. And, if not, what else was watching her? The feeling of uncanny continues throughout the next paragraphs. The house Mrs. Drover enters is given characteristics that suggest that it is living. There is a "bruise in the wallpaper" and a piano "had left what looked like claw-marks" (36). On their own, these descriptions would not have created uneasiness. But, the house that bruises and furniture that leaves claw-marks contribute to the sense of uneasiness that had already begun to develop. W... ... no resulting rescue (40). Her screaming leads us to believe that she had in fact gotten into the demon lover's taxi. As the driver "made off with her into the hinterland of deserted streets," we are still left questioning who exactly the driver was, how he had come back from the dead, what Kathleen had promised him, and whether she had actually remembered her promise and had used it as an escape to her monotonous life (40). All of the unanswered questions, along with subtle uses of unsettling language, create an unsettling effect throughout the story. The title, "The Demon Lover," gave a good general idea of what Elizabeth Bowen was writing about, but her clever writing left interesting questions lingering throughout the story and even after its end. Works Cited Bowen, Elizabeth. "The Demon Lover." Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen. New York: Knopf, 1981.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Utah and the Mormon Culture :: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Utah and the Mormon Culture In 1820, Joseph Smith had a vision in Palmyra, New York, of God and his son, Jesus Christ telling him to reorganize the church of Jesus Christ. During the next 10 years, Joseph was visited by other heavenly messengers, translated the Book of Mormon and established the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. Many years thereafter, the Mormons relocated from Nauvoo, Illinois because of religious persecution (PBS Online). In Illinois, Joseph Smith had succeeded in establishing a religion which brought together its followers both sociologically and economically. Mormon followers were ordered to pay a tithing of 10% on their gross personal wealth. Those followers who were generous to the church were reportedly bestowed with an elevated position within the church which began a â€Å"pyramidal lay clergy – a device that provided a bonding camaraderie and loyalty for all male church members (Denton 13).†When Joseph Smith was murdered by an Illinois mob in June 1844, the Twel ve Apostles scattered. Sidney Rigdon assumed the Presidency, he being Smith's first counselor. The church was divided and in looming danger of dissipation. Brigham, with true Napoleonic foresight, saw his opportunity. Young hurried to Nauvoo, denounced Rigdon as an impostor and his revelations as emanations from the Devil. He cut off both Rigdon and his adherents from the true church, cursed Rigdon, and â€Å"handed him over to the buffetings of Satan for a thousand years." Young was immediately elected President by an overwhelming majority (Waite 14). Facing continued persecution, he then led the Mormons westward out of Illinois to Florence, Nebraska on the Missouri River in 1846. In 1847, Brigham Young led an exploration to the Rocky Mountains. The Mormons had discovered and selected the Great Salt Lake region as their safe haven where they could have the freedom to worship and live as their faith decreed (Katz). Brigham Young believed that Utah was the promise land for the Mormo ns because of its dense populace, the freedom they would have to practice their religion, and the ease in which they took control over the region. Once established in Utah, the Mormons identified themselves with the region claiming the state as their headquarters, even electing their church president as Governor. Brigham Young dreamed of the kingly robe and the jeweled crown in some far-off valley of the Rocky Mountains, where gentiles or their laws could not annoy the saints, or hinder the normal development of Mormonism (Waite 15). Utah and the Mormon Culture :: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Utah and the Mormon Culture In 1820, Joseph Smith had a vision in Palmyra, New York, of God and his son, Jesus Christ telling him to reorganize the church of Jesus Christ. During the next 10 years, Joseph was visited by other heavenly messengers, translated the Book of Mormon and established the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. Many years thereafter, the Mormons relocated from Nauvoo, Illinois because of religious persecution (PBS Online). In Illinois, Joseph Smith had succeeded in establishing a religion which brought together its followers both sociologically and economically. Mormon followers were ordered to pay a tithing of 10% on their gross personal wealth. Those followers who were generous to the church were reportedly bestowed with an elevated position within the church which began a â€Å"pyramidal lay clergy – a device that provided a bonding camaraderie and loyalty for all male church members (Denton 13).†When Joseph Smith was murdered by an Illinois mob in June 1844, the Twel ve Apostles scattered. Sidney Rigdon assumed the Presidency, he being Smith's first counselor. The church was divided and in looming danger of dissipation. Brigham, with true Napoleonic foresight, saw his opportunity. Young hurried to Nauvoo, denounced Rigdon as an impostor and his revelations as emanations from the Devil. He cut off both Rigdon and his adherents from the true church, cursed Rigdon, and â€Å"handed him over to the buffetings of Satan for a thousand years." Young was immediately elected President by an overwhelming majority (Waite 14). Facing continued persecution, he then led the Mormons westward out of Illinois to Florence, Nebraska on the Missouri River in 1846. In 1847, Brigham Young led an exploration to the Rocky Mountains. The Mormons had discovered and selected the Great Salt Lake region as their safe haven where they could have the freedom to worship and live as their faith decreed (Katz). Brigham Young believed that Utah was the promise land for the Mormo ns because of its dense populace, the freedom they would have to practice their religion, and the ease in which they took control over the region. Once established in Utah, the Mormons identified themselves with the region claiming the state as their headquarters, even electing their church president as Governor. Brigham Young dreamed of the kingly robe and the jeweled crown in some far-off valley of the Rocky Mountains, where gentiles or their laws could not annoy the saints, or hinder the normal development of Mormonism (Waite 15).
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